The club was formed in 1957. Its aims are to promote all forms of mountaineering, and to encourage safe practice on the hills. Membership of the club is open to climbers and mountaineers of all abilities, new members are welcome irrespective of their previous experience.
Members are involved in rock climbing, fell walking, snow and ice climbing, Alpine and high-altitude mountaineering, and some members also ski or snowboard. There is a wealth of experience within the club and members have been active throughout Britain, the Alps, Africa, the Himalayas, China, Norway, Spain, Poland, North and South America, and New Zealand.
The members elect a committee, who attend to the general running of the club, and arrange a programme of meets for the year. Meets normally include weekend meets at our own hut, or other club's huts, camping meets (for climbing or walking), extended meets in Scotland, the Alps, or other regions, evening rock climbing meets and monthly rambles. We also schedule a Working Weekend for repairs and improvements to the hut.
Indoor climbing meets are held every Monday at the North West Face climbing wall in Warrington.

“The best climber in the world is the one having the most fun!”