Meet Reports
Multipitch climbing, Borrowdale 7-9th June
Due to appauling weather the meet only attracted interest from four members. However, the meet was salvaged with a change of location for a days climbing at gogarth. With favourable tides and dry weather Stuart and Simon climbing Scavenger HVS and Tom and Matt climbed Nighshade E1 on the main cliff before finishing off the day at Castle Helen with ascents of Rap VS, Pel VS, Blanco HVS and North West Passage E1.
Moutaineering and Trad, Ogwen 21-23 June

A popular meet in a wonderful valley. 15 people attended staying at the qurirky campsite in Capel Curig. The first day saw a traffic jam on Grooved arete for many of our members Phil, Alex, Tom, Joanne, Matt, Alice and Graham reporting a fun but busy outing. Simon and Stuart got up early to beat the crowds and climbing gashed crag on Tryfan and then Lots Groove on Glyder Fach. Picture left, Matt on ‘The Weaver’
Whilst the remainder of the group: Bushra, Ros, Peter and Neil climbed at little tryfan for the day under the tutelage of Gav. The second day the majority of the group went bouldering at RAC with Matt, Stuart and Simon climbing at the Grochan, notable ascents for Matt on SS special E2.
Trad Climbing, Llanberis Pass 12-14th July

Another well attended meet with 14 attendees staying at the hut in Nant Peris. The first day saw parties dispatched to Tremadog with Matt and Tom climbing the Weaver E3. The second day with a wet Llanberis pass many opted for Gogarth with members climbing on Holyhead mountain and Castle Helen with Dave, Peter, Andy, Simon and Sam choosing the adventure of Snakes and ladders in the Slate quarries.

Trad Climbing, Pembroke 23-26th Aug
With fantastic weather and a wealth of the finest trad climbing the UK has to offer 23 attendees made the trip down to pembroke for this meet. Much hard climbing was done in magnificent weather climbing upon Mother careys, saddle head, filmston slabs, Mowing word, crickmail point, Bosherton head and St Govans head.
Wednesday Walks – Ongoing
For those lucky enough to be free on a Wednesday. Mid-week walks continue. All walks start within a one hour drive from the St. Helens area, a mountainous or hilly region is normally selected. Ideal training for long approaches or big hill days in the mountains. These walks are normally 8-10 miles long and often include a pub lunch on route. For more information or to get involved on the Wednesday walk meets please contact Ken Fyles tel: 01942 733380; email:
Upcoming meets
Trad Climbing, Gogarth 19-20th Oct
This meet may change subject to weather, please contact Stuart Hesketh if interested (Currently 5 people attending). 07539951525
Ice Climbing, 8th Nov
Meet now full. For queries contact James Kelly.
AGM, 9th Nov
This important event will take place in the normal location in the Police Club in St. Helens. Please bring your opinions and show your support to your club. There will be a ticketed event afterwards for those who wish to stay with food, a raffle and music entertainment. Contact Tom Shaw for further details 07533824411.
Walk, Barrowford to Moorcock 10th Nov
Get your hill fitness ready for winter. Contact Ken Fyles for details 07596727858.
Scrambling/Hillwalking, North Wales 23rd Nov
Days in the hills during late Autumn can be magic. Contact Gavin Hartley for details on this meet 07923922006.
AGM/Annual Dinner
This year due to the decline of interest, the committee have decided to do something different by combining the AGM and Annual dinner. We are going to run the AGM on Saturday the 9th of November at around 6pm at the usual location of St. Helens Police Club. The AGM is of course free to attend for all members and we encourage everyone who can to come to review the club business for the year and to put their opinions across. After the AGM, we are going to host an Awards Ceremony and prize raffle (to some of those lucky members out there). There will then be a finger buffet and live music from the band "Overload". (Please note the AGM will be standard affair, not cost will occur).
The annual dinner event after the AGM will be a ticketed event, £10 per person or £15 per couple. This will automatically enter you in a prize raffle, where we have put together some ultra-cool prizes. David Bilington from The North West Face has kindly donated some free passes to use for the Warrington wall. There is also currently an email vote organised by Alex Ashton for the trophies that will be presented on the night. Any extra money made, will go back into the club, so more reason for everyone to join in.
Tom Shaw has kindly organised the event who will hold the tickets, so please contact him directly if you are interested in coming. We can accept cash, but alternatively you can pay directly into the club account. Please let Tom know and label your transfer with your name.
Tom Shaw - tel: 07533824411 email:
Committee Changes
After much consideration, our chairman Jeff Dodwell has decided to step-down at the AGM. I am sure you will join me in thanking Jeff for his efforts during his tenure as Chairman. A new Chairman will be elected at the AGM. Ian Collins has also kindly volunteered to act as hut warden for the foreseeable future. A role that has been required for some time but please bare in mind this is your hut and not Ian’s or the committee’s sole responsibility to maintain the hut. As hut warden Ian will manage bookings, identify work that needs to be done and arrange working meets. Ian is currently in the middle of compiling a list of jobs that need to be complete before the winter sets in and will be organising a working meet within the near future. Please look out for this and lend a hand, again this is your hut that you have the privilege of using, please help out with the maintenance of such facilities if you wish to keep them.
Club Hut
As voted for by members at last year’s AGM, the club have spent a considerable amount of money on the new hut improvements and the annexe. This year we have had lots of use of the hut and new annexe with several full meets at the hut. Whilst this is great for the club and you members, there is still work to be done on the hut to ensure this facility is preserved before the winter takes hold. Of late, there has been several reports from members that require attention. As mentioned, Ian Collins is organising a working meet to address these issues. However, again can I highlight this is not the sole job of the committee please get involved and look after your hut! We still encourage members to report any issues they may encounter at the hut but also strongly advocate members using the hut to resolve minor issues themselves if they are able. For example, we have had grumpy reports before about too many leaves on the driveway! Furthermore, please respect the hut and clean before leaving, replacing firewood that you have used. Hut operating procedures have been updated by Ian and can be found on the google drive or requested from Ian directly. Email: tel: 07578535424